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For School Based Activities

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English content

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Want to link with a school? Talk to us

One of the primary goals of the YFM team is to aid school / church based relationships and activities.Get in touch with the Youth Evangelism Lead, Simon Evans at

Welsh content

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Flourish Wellbeing Project

Young Faith Matters is helping bring The Flourish Project to Church in Wales schools in the diocese through training church volunteers to deliver the crucial programme.Developed by the Christian charity The Proton Foundation, the project exists to help young people develop healthy self-esteem and improve their mental and emotional wellbeing by equipping them with tools and techniques that will enable them to be everything they have been created to be.The Flourish Project brings together interactive and creative activities, discussion, videos, and reflection which are designed to bring uplifting and inspire confidence in each of the topic areas.If you would like more information about volunteering or getting your Ministry Area or local school involved, please email Simon Evans at

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Caring for God's Acre

The Caring for God's Acre Church Yard Project is a great tool to engage the local primary school and the church. It challenges the negative stereotypes of church through engaging children in fun activities on church grounds. It helps children to see the church as a place associated with fun & excitement whilst helping kids connect with nature, one another and explore some of the themes of faith.How to set one upYFM report

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Safeguarding and Risk Assessments

The Preparation page has resources for safeguarding and risk assessments for events and general interaction with children.Go to the Preparation pageIf you are in any doubt about safeguarding or risk assessment procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the Young Faith Matters Lead, Simon Evans who will be able to help you.Email Simon at