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Bishop Appoints Sub Dean of Llandaff Cathedral

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Bishop of Llandaff, the Rt Rev’d June Osborne, has appointed the Reverend Canon Mark Preece, Precentor of Llandaff Cathedral, as the Sub Dean of the cathedral.The role of the Sub Dean is a deputy role to the Dean of the Cathedral who will work with the Dean as a close colleague in running the Cathedral.The Sub Dean will be an important conversation partner and sounding board for the Dean as the cathedral develops its life and ministry to the diocese, city and Province.Newly Installed Dean of Llandaff Cathedral, Fr Richard Peers said, “Fr Mark is a wise, generous and kind priest, he and Mother Jan have exercised a wonderful ministry at the Cathedral in recent times. I am grateful to Mark for agreeing to take on the role of Sub Dean.“Working collaboratively is essential to cathedral life as a praying community at the heart of the diocese and city. I am looking forward to enjoying working with Mark in this new role.”Having a Sub Dean at the national cathedral will allow the Dean to exercise ministry across the diocese, city and nation and develop further the deep affection in which the cathedral is held, and its role as a space for people of all faiths and none, and as a place where God may be found in the beauty of our common life.Canon Mark Preece said, “I am delighted to accept the Bishop’s invitation to be Sub-Dean of Llandaff Cathedral and I look forward to working with our new Dean, Fr Richard in developing the mission and ministry of the Cathedral in the coming months and years. This newly-created role comes at an exciting time in the life of the Cathedral community.”

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