Vocations Sunday

Vocations Sunday takes place on the Fourth Sunday of Easter and is traditionally known as ‘Good Shepherd’ Sunday, when the gospel readings for this day make reference to Jesus as a shepherd who cares for us.
“Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).
Vocations Sunday asks us to recognise the call of the Good Shepherd in our lives and consider how we might respond to the vocation of Holy Orders and lay religious life.
Vocations Sunday Homilies
- Vocations Sunday Homily (Video) - The Rev'd David Morris (Diocesan Director of Ordinands)
- Vocations Sunday Homily (Text) - The Rev'd David Morris (Diocesan Director of Ordinands)
- Neges Dydd Sul y Galwedigaethau (Fideo) - Y Parchedig Peter Lewis (Eiriolwr Galwedigaethau Yr Esgobaeth)
- Vocations Sunday Message (English Text) - The Rev'd Peter Lewis (Diocesan Vocations Advocate)
Vocations Sunday Liturgical Resources
- An Order for a Celebration of Vocation and Ministry
- Vocations Sunday Eucharist
- Vocations Sunday Reflections on the Scripture Readings (Year A)
- Vocations Sunday Reflections on the Scripture Readings (Year B)
- Suggested Hymns and Music for Vocations Sunday
- Suggested Prayers and Intercessions for Vocations Sunday
- Suggested Scripture Readings for Vocations Sunday
Teaching and Learning Resources for Vocation and Calling
Stories to inspire
Check out our vocations blog and be inspired and encouraged by other's experience of responding to God's call... Click Here
Watch all our vocation videos on our YouTube channel.