Increasing generosity online
We rely on the generosity of our congregations and communities to support our mission and ministry. Many people give regularly to their local church by Gift Direct but others give in cash when the offering is taken in a church service or when visiting the church. With society becoming more and more cashless, your congregation may be looking for opportunities to give online.
Encourage online giving
Online church provides an opportunity to promote generous giving to your congregation.
- Include a link to Gift Direct in the comments of your livestream
- Ask people to Text to Give during the Offertory.
- Add a PayPal, Text to Give or Gift Direct link to your website and social media pages.
You may wish to add these words to your social media posts and website and highlight ways your members can give generously..
We rely on donations to provide care and support to everyone in this community. Please consider giving generously to support our mission and ministry. Thank you for your support.
Gift Direct
Gift Direct remains the best way for people to give regularly to the church. Decide how much you would like to donate each month then sign up online.


PayPal is an easy and secure way for people to send money to your church account. Set up an account, add the Paypal button to your website and ask people to donate a set amount.
Text to Give
Make giving an easy option by setting up a Text to Give account, which allows people to donate to your church using their mobile phone. By displaying your unique code on social media – people can text a donation amount to your church account.


Register your church as a cause on easyfundraiser. By registering your church people can generate funds for no extra cost through online shopping through their website or app.
Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice (ie people can choose your church). It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
Online Giving
Make giving generously to your church easy and straightforward. We've created a resource page to help you introduce online giving to your church.