Festival of faith at Margam Abbey this Saturday
Margam Abbey is hosting a festival of faith this Saturday 14 May where hundreds of people across the Diocese of Llandaff are expected to join in the day which will be packed with ideas and activities to entertain and inspire.

The aim of the Ministries Fair is to help people grow in their spiritual lives by finding a place within their local church. It is also aimed at people who want to get more involved supporting their local community by supporting church campaigns such as climate change and cost of living.
Organisations such as Christians Against Poverty, Christian Aid andCitizens Cymru will be on hand to discuss their campaigns and to talk to people looking to getting involved in local outreach.
The Ministries Fair will be hosting lots of exciting activities for all the family, such as a Teddy Bears Picnic, storytelling and a puppet show. Spiritual activities include walking a Christian labyrinth, prays with the prayer team and outside worship. Visitors will also have the chance to practice calligraphy with Huw, a Cistercian Monk.

Rev’d Peter Lewis, who has organised this event says he hopes the day will inspire people to get involved with their local church wherever they are in their faith journey.
"The local church often leads the way in running food banks, campaigning about cost of living or working with community groups to tackle climate change. We are inviting people to join us to explore how they can help us help our communities tackle some of these contemporary issues.
“Growing the Christian faith will always be at the heart of what we do and we have plenty of spiritual and prayerful activities that will help people deepen their relationship with Christ.”
Ministries Fair takes place at Margam Abbey between 11am – 4pm. More information is available on our website Ministries Fair - LLandaff Diocese (churchinwales.org.uk)