Llandaff Cathedral to livestream services for the first time this Christmas

With Covid restrictions in Cardiff limiting the number of people who can gather for worship, Llandaff Cathedral will be livestreaming it’s Christmas services for the first time.
The Reverend Canon Mark Preece, Canon Precentor at the Cathedral said, “We are delighted to be able to stream our services so that as many people as possible experience the joy of Christmas at Llandaff Cathedral.
So many people this year will not be able to come to the Cathedral and we were determined to find a way to bring Christmas at the Cathedral to them.
"We are grateful to the Diocese of Llandaff, the Friends of the Cathedral, and Allchurches Trust for the generous funding to allow this to happen.”
The first service to be livestreamed from the Cathedral will be the 3.30pm Service of Lessons and Music on Christmas Eve. The 9.30pm Eucharist on Christmas Eve and 11.15am Eucharist on Christmas Day will also be livestreamed.
Watch live on Llandaff Cathedral’s YouTube page or on their and their website Llandaff Cathedral