New Priest for Penarth returns to his local roots
A new priest is to begin work at All Saints Church Penarth next month. The Reverend Jimmy Young, currently Associate Minister at St John’s Crawley, grew up in Cardiff and has family connections with Penarth – his grandfather, originally from Cardiff later moved to Penarth.

Rev’d Jimmy Young said, “I’m delighted to be taking on the role of Vicar of All Saints, Penarth - and I’m very excited for what lies ahead. The parish has so much to offer both as a space for Christians to come together to encourage each other in their worship and discipleship and in its witness to the community.
“I’m especially excited to be joining the Diocese of Llandaff at a time when the development of Ministry Areas is in full swing. It’s a particularly exciting time to be coming to Penarth!”
Jimmy trained at St Johns Theological College Nottingham and served his first Curacy in Horsham. More recently Jimmy has been working as Associate Vicar in a church plant in Crawley. He also spent ten years working with young people before developing a town-wide youth strategy for Churches Together in Dorking, Surrey.
Jimmy has a lifelong love of science and studied Psychology at Durham University before deciding to follow his calling.
“I'm an enthusiastic advocate of real coffee, Cadbury's mini eggs and Arsenal football club - some of these things bring me more pleasure than others," says Jimmy.
“I also love music, good books, running, and most importantly my wife Debs. We enjoy watching a good comedy box set, but disagree over The West Wing being the greatest TV show of all time (it is).
“I’m also attempting to teach her the few bits of Welsh I remember from growing up in Cardiff although I’m not sure that’s a wise decision or not!
“We’re both massively excited to be coming to Wales and in particular to All Saints Parish and cannot wait to get started!