A prayer for Governing Body
Prayer for Church in Wales Governing Body, written by Christoph Auckland, Senior Outreach Officer, and based on the prayer of St. Cuthbert from the Northumbrian Community.

Heavenly Father, be with the Governing Body.
In the true faith may they all remain,
and in Jesus find hope.
Heavenly Father, be with them in their deliberations.
Against the exploitation of the poor may they help;
the name of our neighbour may they defend,
in the work of mercy may they strive,
and against the injustices in Wales may they fight.
Heavenly Father, unite them and us in your mission.
Sow unity and love amongst us all;
against our faults may we fight
and our prejudices abandon.
In the well of grace in confession may we all wash,
and may we deserve the help of the saints.
Watch Governing Body on the Church in Wales website.