What ONE book from the Bible would you read on a Desert Island...and why?
We asked our Facebook followers, if you you were castaway on a Desert Island, what ONE book from the Bible would you take and why? Here's what they chose...

"I’m a poetry fan so it would have to be the Psalms. All of human experience is there."
Christoph Auckland, Senior Outreach Officer, Diocese of Llandaff
"Ooooh tough one - I’d be tempted to say Isaiah, simply because there’s so much depth and promise, rooted in the hope of what’s to come. It’s the bridge between the Old and New Testaments. But my immediate thought was actually Job. Job endures terrible hardship but trusted God in his darkest hour, and his discourse with God would seem particularly relevant when you’re stuck on your own desert island."
"Proverbs or Isaiah for their wisdom and hope."
"Matthew's Gospel I guess, but I'd miss the other books, including the apocrypha. Love the Bible so much."

"My first thought was Job, someone who had it harder than me! Job is possibly one of the oldest books of the Bible. Equally depressing and inspiring. But I think I'll stick with John's Gospel."
Matt Gedart
"To pick only one book is tricky... but for me it would be The Gospel according to Matthew, which has an in depth narration of the story of Christ's mission, but also links to the Old Testament scriptures. Very much "The accountant's account" of the core section of our faith."
Rev Ali Reeves
"Psalms - a reading for every situation."
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