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LAY VACANCIESCLERGY VACANCIESMinistry Area Leader- Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area

Welsh content

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There are currently no diocesan lay vacancies.

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Ministry Area Leader- Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area

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Merthyr Tydfil is one of the great towns of Wales with a rich industrial and religious history. It is also home to some of the poorest neighbourhoods in the UK. The Ministry Area has begun a journey of renewal and reorganisation. Not content to manage decline, the congregations and clergy are exploring ways the church in Merthyr might not just survive but thrive in the years to come. Working with a dedicated clergy team and committed lay volunteers, the new Ministry Area Leader will lead this transition to new ways of working together.The Bishop of Llandaff is therefore looking to appoint a priest in the Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area who:Has the gift of discernment and good change management skills.Has strong leadership skills, is able to manage conflict, build consensus and make decisions.Is a gifted administrator and manager, able to offer the oversight and organisation the ministry area needs.Has a heart for Merthyr and the people who live thereFor an informal chat about this role, please contact Ven. Rod Green, Archdeacon of Llandaff on 07944 718076 or at for Applications: 28 February 2025Interviews will take place on: 06 March 2025

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Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area Profile

Merthyr Tydfil MAL Application Form

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Church in Wales Vacancies

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Church in Wales vacancies.

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About Us

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Our Vision

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Our shared aimsTelling a joyful story.Growing the Kingdom of God.Building our capacity for good.The Diocese of LlandaffWe are one of six dioceses in the Church in Wales and cover much of South Wales, including Cardiff and the South Wales Valleys. The Diocese is the most densely populated part of Wales and is hugely diverse, from the urban capital of Cardiff to post-industrial Valleys including the semi-rural Vale of Glamorgan.

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More about our leaders and governance

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Connect with us

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Keep up to date with all the news and events from across the diocese. Sign up to our weekly Llandaff Matters newsletter. In your inbox every Friday.

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