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Christmas is a Fragile Time

Christmas message to the Diocese of Llandaff.
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West Cardiff Church Partners with Local Action Group in Fight Against Heating Poverty

Ely Church makes 100 warm boxes, filled with handmade blankets, hats, scarves and gloves in partnership with local action group as the community fights against heating poverty in the cost-of-living crisis.
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Christmas funding boost saves roof of South Glamorgan Church

A much-loved South Glamorgan church is to share in a £421,000 urgent funding pay-out from the National Churches Trust.
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Churches Tackle Christmas Day Loneliness with Free Festive Meals

Churches across South Wales are providing hot Christmas day dinners for people in need of a meal, company and a warm space.
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Nativity Opens Doors to Teenagers in Church

‘The Christmas Story’ play targets local high schools for volunteers in church production.
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Llandaff Diocese Launch Warm Spaces Toolkit to Help More Churches Tackle Cost-of-Living Crisis

The Diocese of Llandaff has created a toolkit to help more churches and community groups set up Warm Spaces in their buildings.
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Wales ' cost of living continues to "bite the most vulnerable" in our communities

New Census data suggesting six of Wales' most deprived communities are in Cardiff,
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Bishop of Llandaff retires

Bishop June’s farewell service takes place Wednesday 30 November at 6pm at Llandaff Cathedral.
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Bishop Appoints Sub Dean of Llandaff Cathedral

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Giving is more than a dent in your pocket

This Giving Tuesday we explore different ways of giving to the Kingdom, from our time to our money, resources and skills.
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