Called to stand with the LGBT+ Community

During the past 12 months the Diocese of Llandaff have stood in solidarity with our LGBT+ sisters of brothers. From supporting a bill which allows the Church in Wales to bless same-sex couples to celebrating LGBT+ History Month, we have shown - and always will show - our love and support for the LGBT+ Community.
Here's a special Pride Cymru round up of the last year.
Church in Wales passes a Bill which approves the bless on same-sex couples.
- Church approves blessing service for same-sex partnerships - The Church in Wales
- Blessing of same-sex partnerships: Speeches from Diocese of Llandaff - LLandaff Diocese (
Church in Wales bishops are express their concern about a proposed law in Ghana which would penalise homosexual people.
Bishop Cherry Vann and Bishop Gregory Cameron preside at a service to celebrate ministry among the LGBTQIA+ community.
Holocaust Memorial Day
Vigil for Dr Gary Jenkins
Diocese of Llandaff celebrates LGBT+ History Month
- What is Queer Theology? - LLandaff Diocese (
- Experiencing the inclusive love of Christ - LLandaff Diocese (
A Prayer for LGBT+ History Month
Lambeth Conference
Statement on the Draft Lambeth Call on Human Dignity - LLandaff Diocese (

Reflections from Lambeth Conference 2022 - LLandaff Diocese (
Bishop June signs Inclusive Bishops' statement
Inclusive Bishops' Statement - Aug 2nd 2022.pdf - Google Drive
Pinc List
Cardiff Priest recognised in this year's LGBT+ Pinc List - LLandaff Diocese (

Picture with thanks to Attitude Magazine
Have a wonderful Pride Cymru weekend!
Join us at a special Eucharist service at Pride Cymru this weekend. The service takes place in the Faith Tent on Sunday 27 August at 5pm.