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Church Schools Focus on 'Leadership' for Black History Month 2023

The Diocese of Llandaff is once again providing all Church in Wales schools with resources to celebrate and continue curriculum development for Black History Month. The theme for Black History Month in October 2023 is 'Leadership'.
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“Look at each other through a lens of gentle, accepting love” - Bishop’s Message to Diocese

A call to look at each other through God’s loving eyes was the core message of the Bishop of Llandaff’s address to Diocesan Conference 2023.
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Vicar to Run Cardiff Half for MindUK as Church Leads on Mental Health

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Mothers’ Union Launch Domestic Abuse Exhibition

Sixteen stories of domestic abuse victims’ experiences are being curated in an exhibition for Mothers’ Union campaign. The Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Llandaff has partnered with Restored and Live Fear Free to create awareness and a call to action against gender-based violence in churches around Wales.
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Bi-lingual Resources Available to Welsh Churches This Prisons Week

The Diocese of Llandaff is once again working with Prisons Week for the annual week of awareness and prayers for ex-prisoners, families and communities, victims, people in the system, and prison staff and the many people who are involved in caring for those affected by crime on the inside and outside of prisons.
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Increase In Spirituality In Wales Inspires Church Docuseries

Hope Cymru aims to tell the story of Jesus through the lens of the past, present and future of Church life in Wales at a time of growing spiritual curiosity among Generation Z in the UK.
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Local Children Kept Fit and Fed This Summer Thanks to Community Partnership

Children in Penrhiwceiber have stayed fit and fed throughout the summer holidays thanks to a community partnership between St Winifred’s Church, Penrhiwceiber, the Lee Garden Pools, local businesses and the UK charity Street Games.
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Church to Host All-Wales Climate Summit – Archbishop’s Announcement

The health of Wales’ waterways and landscape will be the focus of an all-Wales climate summit hosted by the Church in Wales next year.
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Volunteers Offered Key Roles in Church Ministry

From leading worship to visiting sick and housebound people, volunteers are being invited to take on key roles in their church’s ministry.
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Creationtide Resources for Churches in Era of Climate Crisis

Creationtide, or the Season of Creation, is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. Many churches choose to use this time of year to hold special services and events to give thanks for God's gift of creation, and to renew their commitment to caring for our one planet home.
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