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News and Blogs


Volunteers wanted for Lambeth Conference

Disciples aged 20-30 can make a difference at Lambeth Conference
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Behind the scenes at The Easter Experience

Encountering the story of Christ
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Churches in Wales unite for Day of Prayer for Ukraine

Day of Prayer on Sunday 3rd April 2022,
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A spark of love: National Day of Reflection

Encountering God's love during the pandemic
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National Day of Reflection 2022

Online bilingual service | PodChurch episode | Reflections
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What happens when we pray?

Explore the joy of prayer this Lent
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Ministry and discipleship event launches at Margam Abbey

Explore your discipleship
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Returning to church after Covid

Encouraging people back to to our buildings
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Review: Messy Church Goes Wild

Connecting with God through Creation
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School assembly launches to help children who are anxious about Ukraine

The video will help children who are experiencing anxiety about the news.
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