
Words on this page


A collect is a short prayer used in liturgy, for example towards the beginning of the Eucharist. It often reflects the themes of the particular season of the Church’s year. Its name comes from the idea that it ‘collects’ together the lessons of the service readings.


‘Diocese’ refers to the geographical territory in which a bishop exercises oversight. The Church in Wales is divided into six dioceses each with its own cathedral in which is housed the cathedra (the bishop’s ‘chair’ or ‘throne’).

Holy Communion

At Holy Communion blessed bread and wine is shared, by which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The congregation gives thanks for Jesus’ life, his death and resurrection and his continuing presence. See also Eucharist.

Llandaff Centre of Mission

A partnership between the Diocese of Llandaff and Church Army.


Prayer sustains our human relationship with God and may involve words (formal or informal) or be silent. Prayer can involve adoration (‘I love you’), confession (‘sorry’), thanksgiving and supplication (‘please’).

Home Social Justice General Election 2024

General Election 2024

Labour Wins 2024 General Election

Constituency Results

The number of constituencies within the borders of the diocese has been reduced from 14 to 13, with the loss of the Cynon Valley constituency (held by Labour in the 2024 election represented by Beth Winter MP).

See below the redrawn constituencies with the ministry areas that sit within these boundaries and links to the election 2024 results.

Aberafan and Maesteg

Former Constituencies

Parts of the Aberavon, Neath, and Ogmore constituencies

Ministry Areas

All of the Port Talbot and Lynfi and Upper Afan Valleys MAs, parts of the Margam and Afon Need MAs

Election result

Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney

Former Constituencies

Parts of the Caerphilly and Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney constituencies

Ministry Areas

Parts of the Taff Rhymney MA

Election result


Former Constituencies

Bridgend constituency and parts of the Ogmore constituency

Ministry Areas

All of the Penybont ar Ogwr MA and parts of the Margam and Pedair Afon MAs

Election result


Former Constituencies

Parts of the former Caerphilly constituency

Ministry Areas

All of the Caerphilly and Aber Valley MA and parts of the Taff Rhymney MA

Election result

Cardiff East

Former Constituencies

Cardiff Central alongside a small part of the Cardiff South and Penarth constituency

Ministry Areas

Parts of the Roath and Cathays and North Cardiff MAs

Election result

Cardiff North

Former Constituencies

Cardiff North constituency alongside a small part of Pontypridd constituency

Ministry Areas

All of the Taff Wenallt MA and parts of the North Cardiff and Garth MAs, as well as St. Mark’s Gabalfa in the Calon y Ddinas MA

Election result

Cardiff South and Penarth

Former Constituencies

Cardiff South and Penarth, alongside parts of Cardiff Central, and Vale of Glamorgan constituencies

Ministry Areas

All of the South Cardiff and Penarth MAs, and parts of the De Morgannwg and Roath and Cathays MAs, as well as the mjority of the Calon y Ddinas MA

Election result

Cardiff West

Former Constituencies

Cardiff West constituency alongside a small part of Pontypridd constituency

Ministry Areas

All of West Cardiff and Cathedral MAs, the majority of the Garth MA, and part of the Llan MA

Election result

Merthyr Tydfil and Aberdare

Former Constituencies

Parts of the Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney and Cynon Valley constituencies

Ministry Areas

All of the Merthyr Tydfil and Cynon Uchaf MAs, part of the Cynon Valley South and Taff Rhymney MAs, and a small part of the Bro Noddfa Newydd MA

Election result

Neath and Swansea East

Former Constituencies

Parts of the Aberavon and Neath constituencies

Ministry Areas

The majority of the Afon Nedd and Bro Noddfa Newydd MAs

Election result


Former Constituencies

Parts of the Cynon Valley, Pontypridd, and Ogmore constituencies

Ministry Areas

All of the Pontypridd MA and the majority of the Llan and Cynon Valley South MAs

Election result

Rhondda and Ogmore

Former Constituencies

Rhondda constituency, alongside small parts of the Ogmore and Pontypridd constituencies

Ministry Areas

All of the Rhondda MA, the majority of the Pedair Afon MA, and part of the Llan MA

Election result

Vale of Glamorgan

Former Constituencies

Former Vale of Glamorgan constituency without Dinas Powys

Ministry Areas

All of the Cowbridge, Heritage Coast, Barry, and East Vale MAs, alongside the majority of the De Morgannwg MA

Election result
Man praying in church

Prayer and Bible Study

As Christians our response at times of change and transition is rooted in prayer. There is power in lifting up to God both the issues facing our communities, and those who are putting themselves forward to advocate for them in Government.

Whatever our political views, we all seek the betterment of our society and the pursuit of the common good. And as Christians, as the Archbishop reminds us, we must ensure that "the needs of the poorest and most marginalised in our society will always be remembered."

Nathan McGuire of the The Joint Public Issues Team has produced a brilliant blog on praying and preaching during the General Election, which can be found at https://jpit.uk/general-election-praying-and-preaching

Provincial Prayer for the good of all

Lord God,
you anointed your Son Jesus Christ with your Spirit
to bring good news to the poor
and sent him to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free
and proclaim the year of your favour.

Inspired by the same vision,
we pray for our nation as the General Election approaches.

Reveal to each candidate a vision of your kingdom,
a kingdom where righteousness, joy and peace flourish.

Give to your people wisdom as they cast their vote
and to those who will be elected grace to work faithfully on behalf of others,
for the common good.

We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ
who came to serve,
to give himself for the life of the world
and who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Diocesan Prayer

Heavenly Father, King of kings, Lord of lords,
look down upon us during this election
and replenish all those elected to public office with your Holy Spirit.

As they campaign for our votes and debate policy that impacts the most vulnerable,
may they walk humbly in the way of you son Jesus Christ,
remembering his teaching that, as we do to the least, we do to him.

In all that the candidates and elected politicians do,
may they strive not for fleeting populism, but for the greatness of your Kingdom and the common good of all.

Unite us through your spirit in the condemnation of oppression,
mobilise us to protect the dignity of all crafted in your image,
and empower us care for all,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Bible Study

"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver. "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."

The words of Mr Beaver in CS Lewis' seminal novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are a powerful reminder of just how radically challenging God is, and how different his coming Kingdom will be. As a result the Bible, the revelation of God in Christ and his coming Kingdom, is an inherently political document - it shows us how the world should be.

Christians in Politics have developed a new Bible study resource called The Influence Course, a 6 week exploration of God’s call for every one of us to be involved in the public square, helping us journey from armchair commentators to salt and light in the midst of society.

You can find out more about The Influence Course at https://influencecourse.co.uk

Black and white image of a crowd of people

Community Organising

The Diocese is proud to be a core partner of Citizens Cymru, an alliance of 25 members that organises to overcome injustice and win change on the things that you and your local communities care about most. With Citizens Cymru we campaign, fight and achieve justice in and for local communities across Wales, from welcoming refugees to achieving the living wage for all, and many of our churches, ministry areas and deaneries are local members. Where ministry areas have actively engaged with Citizen's Cymru, such as South Cardiff MA, they have been able to form a strong alliance for change across different yet united communities.

We're eager to build new alliances in ministry areas and deaneries that hold our newly elected Members of Parliament to account, both through community listening opportunities and ultimately through community organising.

Cardiff Citizens Assembly.jpg

Community Listening

All too often communities are shut out from decisions that affect their lives, and not involved in finding the best solution to local issues. ​Community Listening presents an opportunity to find out what is putting pressure on people and families, helping to spot issues of injustice that make people’s lives difficult. We're keen to ensure that our communities have opportunities to be listened to, both by Citizens Cymru and more importantly our elected politicians, holding them to account for how they represent you.

Community Organising

Building on that Community Listening, Community Organising is about building networks and relationships between communities, churches, faith organisations, schools, colleges, and other academic institutions, elected politicians, and businesses, to shift the balance of power, helping people come together across their differences, find common ground and win real, positive change for their community.

citizens cymru south cardiff.jpg

You can find out more at citizensuk.org/chapters/cymru-wales, and if you're interested in exploring Community Listening or Community Organising, or want to know how your church might take the first steps on becoming a bigger part of Citizens Cymru's campaigns, please contact either the Diocesan Outreach and Social Justice Lead, Christoph Auckland, at christophauckland@churchinwales.org.uk, or you can speak to Citizens Cymru directly. For churches and ministry areas within Cardiff email Fiona Meldrum at fiona.meldrum@citizenswales.org.uk, and for the rest of the diocese email Carina Crawford-Kahn at carina.crawford-khan@citizensuk.org